Welp! Today was my last day of school as a Junior! Exciting, terrifying, saddening; all mixed into one.
My summer will probably consist of this: Writing. Reading. Eating. Tanning. Swimming. Music. Family. Friends.
One thing I plan for this summer is to write at least one letter a day, if not more, to a certain someone. They mean a lot to me and I want to share all of it with them, since I won't be able to see or talk to them every day.
I hate saying goodbye. And yes, it is something I truly hate. They never end well, and I can't stand that. I mainly hate them because I don't know when I'll be able to actually see that person again. =/
Tomorrow one of my little sisters graduates from 6th grade. So my morning will be spent watching that.
My Grandma is up for it also. So after that we get to have a family lunch.
Ohio in 2 days.
Iowa in 4 days.
Missions Trip to Baltimore in 25 days.
Excitement just wants to burst out of my body!
I'm so ready to say goodbye to good 'ole Coudy for a bit!
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